Chocolate Champurrado Vegan, Gluten and Corn Free (Mexican Hot Chocolate)

Chocolate Champurrado Vegan, Gluten and Corn Free

Champurrado is a Ancient mexican thick warm sweet latte style drink (the chocolate version of atole) traditionally made with  milk, brown sugar, cinnamon & corn masa however I wanted to show you a alternitive version thats gluten, dairy and corn free thats made with wholesome ingredients to tell you its one that you will love to make all year round.


Whats the difference of Atole vs Champurrado?


So many people get confused with both, so let me explain!

Atole – is a corn-based masa drink made with water, cinnamon, piloncillo, vanilla.


Champurrado – it’s main base is chocolate so when you add chocolate to alote its makes champurrado, which depending on people preference you can always custamize to your liking! Today i’ll be showing you  a healthy dairy free version one I know you will enjoy as much as I DO.


Where can I buy gluten free ingredients to make my champurrado?

For all the ingredients you can find them at any health food store like wholefoods, Sprouts, sometimes Trader joes for me it’s important to read all my labels due to my allergies, which these stores make it so easy for me to find. Note always remember this is your champurrado for this recipe you can use whatever ingredients you have in hand this is just a healther gluten free way to make it without those extras processed ingredients we dont need.


Why did I used Garbanzo Masa instead of  Corn Masa?

Grabanzo is a alternitive flour to Corn masa since I have allergies to corn its a great swap which makes it a good option for this champurrado recipe.



3 Qt almond milks or any plant milk

1/2 c vegan simi sweet chocolate

2-3 tbs of cocoa powder

1 cinnamon stick

2 star anise

3/4 c  maple syrup

1/4 c coconut sugar

1/4 c grabanzo flour( add same water)( for thicker drink you can do 1/4 c more)

1/8 salt

thumb of tumeric (optional)

thumb ginger (optional)



  1. First add plant milk to a medium large pan add cinnamon stick,vanilla let it boil once its boiling lower to low (at this time you can add tumeric and ginger optional)
  2. Add grabanzo mama and stir still its little ticken add chocolate and stir for about 5 minutes till all dissovle.
  3. Add maple and coconut sugar stir taste to liking
  4. Serve your hot champurrado on its own or with a tamale or bread.

Welcome, I'm Crystal. I am a certified plant based raw chef. I have a passion for food, wellness, beauty and non-toxic living. Thanks to my health journey, I have learned to create delicious gluten and dairy free recipes. I also enjoy sharing lifestyle tips, home hacks, product swaps and anything that will help you live a more healthy lifestyle.

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